Published: Jun 30, 2021

ICT portal for the development of mathematic teachers competence: The development and the feasibility

77-86 Jefri Marzal, Wardi Syafmen, Husni Sabil

Comparison bending strength of simple reinforced concrete beams with bamboo reinforcement in the form of circle and square sections

87-94 Bastian Artanto Ampangallo, Dian Pranata Putra Ambali

Development of boost converter training kit as a practical tool in power electronics course

95-104 Junaidi Akbar, Krismadinata Krismadinata, Ahyanuardi Ahyanuardi, Asnil Asnil

The influence of project based learning on student's intrinsic learning motivation

105-118 Muslim Muslim, Hendra Dani Saputra; Muhammad Yasep Setiawan; Martias Martias, Muhammad Nasir

The development of height and weight measuring instruments for web-based Anthropometric tests

119-130 Putri Yuliana Mahardika, Yohandri Yohandri

Portable power supply design with 100 Watt capacity

131-138 Azriyenni Azhari Zakri, Almasdi Syahza, Dirman Hanafi, Hanggun Syahadat

Development of an elevator simulator to support problem-based electric motor control practicum for vocational high school student

139-148 Dadan Nurdin Bagenda, Noor Cholis Basjaruddin, Endang Darwati, Edi Rakhman