Published: Oct 31, 2023

Fluid Dynamic Simulation of Sail Design Performance on Sail-Assisted Ship; A Preliminary Study

137-146 Betty Ariani, Ponidi Ponidi, Ardan Nagra Coutsar, Reno Adhianta Sadewa

Performance of Automatic Temperature Control System in Pyrolysis Reactor of LDPE Plastic Waste

147-154 I Made Agus Putrawan, I Nengah Darma Susila, I Nyoman Suparta

Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Construction Management: A Systematic Literature Review

155-166 Daniel M. Silitonga, Oei Fuk Jin

The Sub-Criteria for Evacuation-Based Pedestrian Route Design Parameters

167-174 Veiga Mustika Agenta, Fitra Rifwan, Yosritzal Yosritzal, Purnawan Purnawan, Yossyafra Yossyafra

Impact of Variable Speed Drive Jobsheet Integrated with Project-Based Learning Model on Electric Motor Control Skills of Vocational Students

175-186 Herlin Setyawan, Sukardi Sukardi, Risfendra Risfendra, Meri Yulianti Putri, Vivi Oktavia, Ambiyar Ambiyar, Rizky Ema Wulansari

A Study of Potato Peel Extract (Solanum Tuberosum L) as a Green Corrosion Inhibitor on Low Carbon Steel in a 3.5% NaCl Environment

187-198 Firman A. Nugroho, Johny Wahyuadi Soedarsono

The Relevance of the Merdeka Curriculum Vocational School to the Competency Needs in the Construction Field in the Industry

199-206 Anisah Anisah, Tuti Iriani, M. Agphin Ramadhan, Yusrina Yusrina