Published: Oct 13, 2021

Performance measurement using balance scorecard leading to strategy formulation: A case study in water company

149-156 Milana Milana, Eri Wirdianto, Alexie Herryandie Bronto Adi

The Development of automatic melinjo puncher machine using pneumatics pressure

157-164 Hendriko Hendriko, Alfiandis Lafebri, Made Rahmawaty, Tianur Tianur

Soil moisture measurement tools using SHT11 sensors based on the Internet of Things

165-174 Yolanda Karinia, Violita Violita, Heron Tarigan, Nofi Yendri Sudiar, Yulkifli Yulkifli

Tensile strength of welded joints in low carbon steel using metal inert gas (MIG) welding

175-180 Hendri Nurdin, Purwantono Purwantono, Khairul Umurani

The attraction of Bung Hatta Grand Forest Park Tourism potential as a green tourism-based ecotourism

181-188 Era Triana, Nengah Tela, Wenny Widya Wahyudi

Improvement of autonomous railway monitoring robot prototype as fault detection on railway

189-202 Ismail Rokhim, Disa Nabila, Adhitya Sumardi Sunarya

Foreshock and aftershock earthquakes characteristic for subduction (Case study: Aceh earthquake in 2004 and Tohoku earthquake, Japan 2011)

203-212 Rusnardi Rahmat Putra, Asri Atmojo

Analysis of riser variations in recycled aluminum sand casting on hardness values

213-220 Zainal Abadi, Andre Kurniawan, Andril Arafat, Nur Ichsan Abdillah, Daffa Raihan Senthot

Improved learning outcomes of CNC programming through Augmented Reality jobsheet learning media

221-233 Febri Prasetya, Bayu Rahmadani Fajri, Budi Syahri, Fadhli Ranuharja, Aprilla Fortuna, Amri Ramadhan