Published: Jun 30, 2023

Management and Evaluation of Vocational Training Programs at the Ponorogo Regency Vocational Training Center (VTC)

71-80 Martha Alaska, Didik Nurhadi, Achmad Romadin

Experimental Study of Cooling Performance and Electrical Parameters in a Microcontroller-Driven Inverter AC System

81-90 I Gede Artha Negara, Daud Simon Anakottapary, Luh Putu Ike Midiani, I Wayan Temaja, I Dewa Made Cipta Santosa

Design of a Drying Equipment Moringa Leaf with Utilizing Temperature Air Conditioning Condenser

91-98 Masykur Masykur, Maidi Saputra, Al Munawir, Pribadyo Pribadyo, Muhammad Jalil, Muzakir Muzakir, Dori Yuvenda, M. Yasep Setiawan, Fadhil Y

Optimizing Digging Equipment Productivity Using Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Method in Coal Overburden Mining Activities

99-108 Heri Prabowo, Rahul Hutmi, Indang Dewata

Exploring the Depths of Market Basket Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide to Transaction Analysis with FP-Growth and Apriori Algorithms

109-118 I Wayan Pio Pratama

Various Types of Biodiesel as Sustainable Fuel Choices: a Review

119-128 Hasan Maksum, Ilham Ilham, Wawan Purwanto

Embracing the Evaporative System in Air Conditioning Technology for Efficient Cooling Solutions

129-136 Ida Bagus Gde Widiantara, I Gede Artha Negara, Ketut Bangse