Published: Feb 28, 2021

Introduction to questionnaire data patterns using Perceptron Algorithm for lecturer improvement and development in higher education

1-10 Irwan Irwan, Rusnardi Rahmat Putra, Krismadinata Krismadinata, Nizwardi Jalinus

Student learning style in vocational higher education

11-18 Auliana Nasution, Ambiyar Ambiyar, Wakhinuddin Simatupang

Effect of cutting speed on milling process on surface roughness of ST-37 steel material workpiece

19-26 Budi Syahri, Febri Prasetya, Refdinal Refdinal, Syahrial Syahrial

The engine starting system for three-wheeled motorbikes using bluetooth based on Arduino Uno

27-36 Hamid Nasrullah, Asni Tafrikhatin, Yusuf Hidayat

Blockchain-based diploma information system development

37-44 Heru Saputra, Bebby Ilham Aresta, Tri A Sundara, Ilfa Stephane, Lakry Maltaf

Ideal mortar composition with rice husk ash addition and addictive for maximum mortal strength

45-68 Rusnardi Rahmat Putra

The effect of e-learning media on the improvement of learning outcomes in the Vehicle Body Construction course for students of the Department Automotive Faculty of Engineering UNP

69-76 Hendra Dani Saputra, Dedi Setiawan, Muslim Muslim, Bahrul Amin, Rido Putra